As some of you may know, I posted this blog featuring a few tips on how to cope with hard times. This post was the first of a series on that topic. Today, I'd like to discuss ways to divert from problems and trigger positive thinking through easy methods.
One of the ways to do just that is to think about the small things. Paying attention to the details, the things that oftentimes go unnoticed, but brighten your day. Sometimes, we feel so burdened by our problems that negativity is all we can see. To the point where we ignore the simplest things, which may not seem like much, but when lined up, make life worth living - so cheesy, but so true.
Some people see happiness as something linked to social status, money, material things, "I'll be happy when I have this/when I achieve that..." What if you don't make it? What if Allah SWT takes you before you get to where you wanted to be in life? Don't get me wrong, dreams and aspirations aren't bad, but happiness doesn't necessarily depend on them.
India did said it all
To see whether this thing is accurate or not, I tried and thought of the little things I was grateful for. Surprisingly, I came up with a bunch of feel-good moments, which are listed below.