Musical Crush


Long time, no blog! This will be another musical crush. These are songs I've been digging these days, they all happen to be French songs ^^

 Elodie Fregé- La Fille de l'Après-Midi

A nice song, that actually came out a while ago. When it did, I overlooked it, thinking it wasn't the type of music I listen to. Well, I'm glad I broadened my scope, it's really good =) Good music, great lyrics, let me tell you, the lyrics are so sophisticated it took me a while to get to their meaning!

Quinze- Tant Besoin de Toi

A French New Soul artist, he's been around for a while now. I love this song, you know I like this genre=)

Oxmo Puccino- J'ai Mal au Mic

Oxmo Puccino, France's Hip Hop's Don is back. I'm obsessed with this song, it's stuck on replay!

There you have it! I'd like for this blog to be interactive and all, so please don't hesitate to comment, give me feedback or even say hi^^

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