You probably guessed it from the title, this blog will be about food :)
My sister in faith and in fashion Asma requested that I do one a while back. Which I worked on, but the quality being pretty bleh, I decided to save the idea for a later time.
Today I'm back on it, jumping on the showing-everything-going-in-my-mouth bandwagon. Let's go!
Long time, no Musical Crush, right? (I discussed music a bit since my return, check out my West African playlist here.)
New, fresh music for your ears, and that is just what our first song is about. What struck me is the music in itself, which I wouldn't be able to classify. It's like pop with a hip hop beat thrown in the mix, which doesn't sound off, but rather cool and different. I also love that she's going against the wannabe-rich-and-famous attitude that the media/maintream music industry is trying to shove down our throats.
And we'll never be royals
It doesn't ruin our blood
This kinda lux just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz
Very nice, Lorde :) I don't know much about her, except that
she's is an upcoming artist from New Zealand, but this sure makes me want to explore some