What I Eat

Salams :)

You probably guessed it from the title, this blog will be about food :)

My sister in faith and in fashion Asma requested that I do one a while back. Which I worked on, but the quality being pretty bleh, I decided to save the idea for a later time. 

Today I'm back on it, jumping on the showing-everything-going-in-my-mouth bandwagon. Let's go!

 Pancake with pear sauce and dried fruit topping 
 Chicken with olives & tomatoes, pasta in cream & spinash sauce

 Mexican-inspired salad

 St-Marcellin cheese, dried beef meat

 Vanilla ice cream with oatmeal cookie crumble topping

Sea bass, peas and ravioli

Marks & Spencer chai :)

This is how I make yummy in my tummy. How do you make yummy in your tummy on a daily basis? Show me!

1 comment:

Haute Muslimah said...

girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllll yum