Well well, ain't it this time of year again?
If you haven't guessed it already, I'm referring to Ramadan *performs happy dance*! It's legit one of my favorite times of the year. Throughout the years, I've used this blessed month to work on areas of my life that could be improved. I'm starting where I left off last Ramadan.
One of the reasons why I love Ramadan so much is because you only focus on what matters. You just cater to your essential needs, and the rest goes out the door. And it just makes everything so easy! Unfortunately, I still find that I'm putting energy on unnecessary things. It's a problem I've been tackling for a few years now, but I guess it needs a bit more work! It's difficult and pervasive, but it's definitely worth making the effort. So this year, if God allows me, I want to continue working towards that goal.